
On Thursday grade 7 will be going to Bantar Garbang. Bantar Garbang is one of the biggest dump site in indonesia. The dumpsite is filled with about 1000 people. The differences between my life and the children in Bantar Gerbang is that everyday i get to play my computer or my phone or any other devices i own anytime i want to, i also have a proper safe shelter for my family and i to live in, i still can afford healthy and delicious food to eat everyday and thankfully my parents still can afford an education for me . On the other hand the Bantar Garbang kids or families might not be able to earn these things. Sadly the Bantar Garbang kids won’t be able to have a comfortable, safe hygienic shelter, they won’t have healthy food to eat everyday meaning they won’t have the right amount nourishment needed as a human, they also won’t have phones or laptop to play with and most importantly the children won’t be able to afford a proper education. Not being able to afford an education can lead to many complications in life. For example without a proper education you won’t be able to write or read, you won’t be able to understand the qualifications needed in a job to make your life better, you won’t understand why  getting a job is so important and many more things you need to learn to survive.

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