Freedom fighter

A freedom fighter is a person that takes a part in a violent struggle to achieve a certain or political goal. Freedom fighters is a very important person in the world because without them we wouldn’t be able to have the rights we have now and as a honor they should be respected and remembered. One of the most famous freedom fighters are Nelson Mandella. Nelson Mandella is an admirable freedom fighter because he was speaking out and acting against apartheid in his country, he is strong willed. Because of his actions he spend 25 years in jail. After he went out of jail he got served as president from 1994 – 1999. If i were to fight for freedom i would fight for the freedom of students being able to wear free dress as their uniform and in she cases schools already allow this rule but in my school we haven’t.


On Thursday grade 7 will be going to Bantar Garbang. Bantar Garbang is one of the biggest dump site in indonesia. The dumpsite is filled with about 1000 people. The differences between my life and the children in Bantar Gerbang is that everyday i get to play my computer or my phone or any other devices i own anytime i want to, i also have a proper safe shelter for my family and i to live in, i still can afford healthy and delicious food to eat everyday and thankfully my parents still can afford an education for me . On the other hand the Bantar Garbang kids or families might not be able to earn these things. Sadly the Bantar Garbang kids won’t be able to have a comfortable, safe hygienic shelter, they won’t have healthy food to eat everyday meaning they won’t have the right amount nourishment needed as a human, they also won’t have phones or laptop to play with and most importantly the children won’t be able to afford a proper education. Not being able to afford an education can lead to many complications in life. For example without a proper education you won’t be able to write or read, you won’t be able to understand the qualifications needed in a job to make your life better, you won’t understand why  getting a job is so important and many more things you need to learn to survive.

First impressions of the novel trash

My first impression of the story was that it is written in a really unique way because the book is used in first person as if the book was raphael’s own personal diary talking about his life in the dump site. The characters was also very unique i especially really liked the way the author made their name and also how it relates to where they’re originally from and i also liked how the author describes each character. If i had to predict the ending to his book, i would predict that Rat and Raphael would find the mystery because i kinda think Gardo would back out because he’s to scared to be in trouble. Yes, i am enjoying the book because i really want to know what they find at the end and it would be my pleasure to keep on reading the book.

”The Worst Place in the World to be a Bin Man”

Imam and Wilbur

Imam and Wilbur

Imam's cart used everyday to do his job.

Imam’s cart used everyday to do his job.

I think the key message of the show is that there are people in the world that are trying to survive such as a bin men with a small amount of money earned everyday. People that are not only trying to feed themselves but also to feed their children and wife and to buy all the supplies needed to live. Being bin men in England is very organized job. The government would organize the transportation, which is the air-conditioned bus, have the trashed organized for recycling and have a couple of bin man to help each other. The bin man in England is named ‘ Wilbur’. He can still afford a house for his family and still gets a normal amount of wage earned. Wilbur is also supplied with his working uniforms, gloves and hats to make sure he doesn’t get dirty. He also doesn’t have to come home late at night and still has time to cook dinner for his family. Being bin men in Indonesia is a very different perspective compared to being a bin men in England, it is a really tuff job. Firstly it’s because the job itself is a very unorganized job. The transportation here is a cart that is pulled by the bin men itself. This cart is either made or given by ancestors of the family that has been passed on for generations and is usually just repaired. The bin men in Indonesia is named ‘‘imam’. He does not have a proper clean house for his family. His house is made out of cardboard, spare wood and many other materials found. The house is also right beside the road, which makes it very un – hygienic. The house has a lot of rats and flies as well. The documentary affected the way I look at bin men now in Indonesia because it told me how hard it is to work here and how little money you get for the amount of effort you put. It definitely also makes me appreciate more of what I have and not to take things for granted. Therefore I discovered that the bin men in Indonesia does not only clean the trash but cleans the sewage as well. My thinking has also been different since I watched this video because it taught be more about poverty and how hard people work here in Indonesia.

Y7 poverty project

Yesterday the grade 7  did a project to teach them how hard it is to live in poverty. How hard it is to have a small amount of money and having to pay a lot to survive. The game was held for 3 sessions by help from the teachers. The students were  divided into groups they then were  told to pick a house and survive through the sessions with their family (groups). Throughout the game the students were told to pick some chances that can either make a huge bad impact on them or a good one, some of them got chances that made them live under the bridge some got chances that made them go to the public toilet for free. One of the challenges they had was to make paper bags that has to be ‘ perfect in order ‘ to sell it to the shop keeper and  to earn money , although that was challenging we still also had to pay rent which kept on increasing,  send some children to school,  buy food and buy utensils needed to live.  Some of us was sick and were not able to work. in the end life with poverty is very difficult and challenging and we learned to  appreciate our items more then taking it for granted. The game was very challenging and was such a a great experience for us. We learned so much about how hard it is to live in poverty.